About Our Organized Record System

Giving You Advanced Recording ~ Reporting ~ Insights ~ and ~ Exponential Growth

A Brief Description of Our Record System

This Royalty Organized Records (ROR)’s Record System is an advanced-professionally designed and organized Records System to help businesses, schools, and churches keep a track record smartly on every transaction and activities that take place in their operational arena. From daily sales or weekly activities’ recording to daily expenses/expenditures’ records, your record will be well organized to give you an insight and a broader picture of cash flow in and out of your business, school or church. Our record system is categorized into 4 periods each except for the school’s record system that is divided into elementary, junior high, junior & senior high, and senior high (10-12 grade only) instead of periods.

Business & Church Recording or Accounting Periods’ categories include:

  • Monthly Record System (one-month)
  • Quarterly Record System (three-month)
  • Semi Annual Record System (six-month)
  • Annual Record System (one-year)

As for schools, the record system is categorized into Elementary, Junior High, Junior & Senior (7th to 12th only), and Senior High (ABC - beginners to 12th grade). All categories run for a period of one academic year containing First & Second Semesters.

An organized record system helps you make smart decisions that will help grow your business or organization fast. Almost everything in this record system is automated for you, except for few areas where you will have to insert some figures. This Record System is designed to automate your reporting system professionally in order to help you get things done easily. You will never need calculator or guess about anything, everything is done for you in a very professional way. This advanced record system gives you the most important reports you can find in an accounting system, these include: Balance Sheet report, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Retain Earning Statement, and more. You wouldn’t need an accountant or an accounting software for that, all is done for you in a very professional way. We have tutorials for every category of our record system that will enlighten you on how to use our record system for the benefit of your business, school, or church.

Our Business Record System is excellent for e-commerce or businesses that operate both online and offline. It is perfect for Shopify Store owners, eBay, Amazon, Walmart, and more. As said early, we have included in each package a video tutorial link in addition to the informative pop ups that appear whenever you hover your mouse pointer over specific areas that need clarity. With this well organized Record System, you will never need investing into, or subscribe to any accounting software. This is the Best Cost Effective Organized Record You Could Ever Have for your business, church or school. Everything you need is provided for you professionally.