About ROR

Giving You Advanced Recording ~ Reporting ~ Insights ~ and ~ Exponential Growth

Royalty Organized Records (ROR) is owned and operated by Sam Royalty. Sam is an Accountant by profession and a businessman. He studied computer science and has deeper and practical knowledge in Microsoft Office. He is also a former registrar and church secretary. With his accounting background, and as a businessman, his knowledge and experience, backed by his vast knowledge in Computer Science gives him the edge to give small to medium size businesses, schools, & churches the best Record System they need to grow and skill their businesses or organization. Our Organized Record System is designed to give leaders and owners of entities the insight they need to make better financial decision for their businesses, schools, and churches. 

We are also available for consultation in the case where you have some consultancy needs. Try our Record System and you will never regret it. Our package is inclusive of video tutorial links. The Record System itself teaches you every step of the way. Almost every area you hover your mouse pointer, a dialogue will pop-up, explaining to you what you need to do in that particular area. That's how smart our record itself is professionally designed.